What is hard water?
Sediments on the heating elements of household appliances, white bloom on tiles and plumbing and stains on glass surfaces are the results of hard water being used.
In addition to the destructive impact on the state of household appliances, a high content of hardness ions has an impact on human health. This problem is inherent both for water from natural sources, and for the city water supply. The reasons for this may be hard source water or the imperfection of centralized water purifying, as well as the use of outdated technologies.
Effective solution to the problem of hard water
To reduce the hardness of household water, softening filters are used. Ion-exchange resin HCR-S/S (cation exchange resin manufactured by Dow, Dowex™) is used as the filter media. During the filtration process, an ion-exchange reaction takes place – the ions of hardness salts are replaced by safe sodium ions, which provide a normal level of water hardness.
Filter softener reduces energy consumption, increases the efficiency of household appliances and reduces the frequency of breakdowns, significantly reducing the cost of repairs.
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